The importance of open source technologies

If you want to make an application to run on Android or iOS, the two dominant operating systems for mobile phones in the world, you need to get them cleared by the company which makes that operating system in order to get into their application store. You have to pay a fee in order to upload the application (which honestly is fair since they are going to store the app on their servers), but they can deny access to your application, and there is no legal requirement for those to be fair or reasonable. While I do indeed use Android, I find it works just fine for my daily use, this is one thing which is always at the back of my mind. The fact that Android can choose to eliminate any application I use, for any reason, and I then can lose all of my data stored on that application with no recourse. This doesn’t happen often of course, if a platform became known for consistently arbitrarily deleting user data no one would use it again, but it is an ever present threat with closed source operating systems.

Imagine that if you wanted to make a website you needed to get it cleared through a single private company. If you had to pay not just a small fee to host the website but also have it cleared by a single private company which literally controls the internet and has the opportunity to deny any website for any arbitrary reason, the internet would not be the place of open discourse it is today. We are very fortunate that ICANN is a nonprofit which is fairly benign and doesn’t censor who can and cannot make a website for arbitrary reasons. It took me less than $10 to register this domain, renewals are very inexpensive, I have unlimited emails on my domain, I use LetsEncrypt to keep my website secure, and the cost of hosting this website on Dreamhost is very minimal, so I have no complaints. I can publish anything I like on my website here, I could set up a subdomain, or do basically anything I want as long as it is legal and my website will still be live. This is how it should be.

There are still concerns regarding internet service providers, which are an inevitable bottle neck in the delivery of the internet. Similar to Google, Comcast has a vested interest in limiting any data destruction or website blocking they do, because otherwise people would have the incentive to contact their local politicians and seek a change to the status quo. This bottleneck in internet access is also made less severe because Comcast has to compete with cell phone companies for internet access, so people would be more likely to be able to see if Comcast was significantly blocking specific domains for arbitrary reasons. If the prices for Broadband became too high or the speeds too slow relative to services in other locations than we do find that local people start to form political organizations to form public internet service providers, and with the ability to do that if things get bad enough Comcast has every incentive to not become too extreme with high prices or low quality before local governments collectivize this natural monopoly. This has already happened in over 750 jurisdictions across the United States.TuxLinux is similar to the internet in many aspects. It is free, it is open source, and it is public.  Anyone can make software for Linux with the proper tools, and either give it away for free or charge for it. It is free from spyware, so you can be certain that your system is secure. Security experts are unanimous in their agreement that backdoors are open doors in security systems. This is part of the reason why Linux is the most trusted operating system in the world, controlling over 90% of the server market. When computer professionals need an operating system which is reliable, fast, and secure we choose Linux. Being open source, the code is extremely clean, which makes the operating system take up far less room than Windows or iOS. This speed means you have more CPU and RAM available for YOUR programs. Just because the operating system is free doesn’t mean that people can’t make money with Linux, indeed quite the opposite. The Linux Foundation is sponsored by many massive companies which everyone has heard of, companies like Google, Facebook, Oracle, and even Microsoft which donate billions of dollars to build the most important open source software in the world. Trusted by the largest financial institutions, governments, and almost any company you can name, they probably have one thing in common, and that is that they use Linux somewhere in their infrastructure. Even though we receive a lot of funding from massive companies, the code base is free and if any one of these companies were to try to take over they would be unable to prevent people from making and distributing their own Linux distribution, so they do not even try. It would be impossible to do the classic extend, embrace, and extinguish strategy with the greatest open source project in the world. The world runs on Linux, meaning companies of every size would continue to keep Linux running even if one of the big companies tried to end it.

Linux is ideal for development. If you want to install a program on your personal Linux distribution, you don’t have to get it cleared through any large organization, you can just unpack it. If you want to offer it through a package manager you can host it on your own website and in one line of code anyone can add your repository to their personal Linux installation and install your program into their operating system in two commands. There are no gatekeepers, which is part of the freedom which Richard Stallman talks about. This allows practically unlimited innovation. You can release a beta program which runs on Linux without worrying about whether it will be approved by Google or Apple. Because it will be installed with a package manager your initial users will get all updates as they are released every time they run a single standard command on their operating system. This makes it easier to find bugs in the software because you can start to expand your user base in a smaller amount of time and this can significantly speed up development because you can eliminate the bugs on your initial rollout.

Now, Android and iOS do a fairly good job at ensuring that people are able to release their applications on their platforms. If they didn’t, no one would use them. But I remember there was a time when I had an iPhone in 2013 where they forced me to use Safari because they banned Google Chrome for a time. I found Safari to be unintuitive and slow then, and have never had a reason to go back to it. When I help my clients with Safari I find it regularly fails to render some websites properly which work fine in Firefox or Chrome. Apple is apparently continuing this behavior with Google with this news report from 2019. This is the cost of having a closed source operating system. Google generally does not do this with Android, but if you are a young tech startup building a mobile app and you get blocked by iPhone for a frivolous reason, you have lost a significant market share right there. I am not exactly sure why people still use iPhones to be honest. This fortunately doesn’t happen often, but when you are working at a tech startup the threat is always there. Firefox is particularly good because you know that your browser is not sending information back to headquarters, it has some of the best security available, and it follows all W3 standards.

The advantage to open source is that you don’t have to worry about a giant tech hegemon blocking access to your entire firm, putting your entire wellbeing at risk. You also can know that there is no spyware on the software you are using. I am happy with Android but sometimes I wonder if I might move to Linux on my smartphone. I definitely want to someday try it out, and see what it is like.

The final point I wish to make about where I would like to see open source go in the future has to do with hardware. Almost every CPU, whether it is AMD, ARM, or Intel is a closed source system. The biggest rival I can find which I believe has the best chance of challenging these three largest CPU manufacturers is RISC-V. Similar to Linux, it is a non-profit foundation with multiple large corporate sponsors. The big reason why people should care about their CPU architecture is because it is easy for companies to put in management systems which can act as backdoors to their hardware, like Intel has had since 2008. Any backdoor to hardware is a security vulnerability, plain and simple. Privacy is an important value in a free society, enshrined in the United States Constitution, and should be a basic expectation for any freedom loving person. That is probably the biggest importance of using Open Source Technology, even more than a better user experience and the ability to use any technology you want. Open source guarantees the ability to know for a fact that your computer is not spying on you, which comes down to a very important right to privacy. This is not about whether you are guilty or not. When I build a brand new program, and it is supposed to be private, if the companies which manage my operating system or chipset are able to see everything I am building, then it is not actually private.

There are three layers to privacy in any computer system, you have your hardware, your operating system, and any programs you are running on your computer. Your hardware and operating system should not send any information to their manufacturer without your consent. Microsoft and Intel indeed do collect information from people who use their products. The programs you run on top of your operating system also need to have strict rules which protect what type of privacy is being used as well. If there is any data being sent back on usage beyond bug reports it needs to be anonymized, and private from government agencies unless if there is a warrant from a public jury upon probable cause of a crime. Currently the only way to know for certain, and probably for a very long time to come, is to choose to use open source technologies for what you do on a day to day basis for anything which is important.

Open source is generally faster, more secure, and far more customizable. This is why I believe open source is important for a free society, and vital for economic development.

Biden’s climate record

There is one, and only one candidate on my ballot this November who has never even once opposed a carbon tax.

Only one candidate who has always supported climate policies which benefit people of all income levels and all races. He has had a carbon tax on his plan for as long as he has been running for office.

He has supported it longer than any one else on my ballot.
He is running for Federal Office.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has cancer and John Lewis is dead. If Donald Trump is able to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we will have a Supreme Court which will be controlled by Republicans for a very long time. They will tear apart our voting rights one by one until nothing is left. The only way to stop them is to ensure that Joe Biden becomes President of the United States and that we give him a Democratic Senate.

John Lewis died today. May he rest in power, so we will never forget the work he did for our country.


You cannot call yourself a progressive if you support tax cuts to coal companies.
Our planet is burning. We have the power to stop it. There are hundreds of policies which can be used to both fight global warming and help marginalized people.
Please support expanding access to food stamps. Expand access to college. Boost support for K-12 education. Bring back the WPA. Increase subsidies for solar panels, geothermal, and yes, even nuclear power.
Support exemption-free carbon taxes.
But if you have ever once supported tax exemptions to coal companies, you likely will not get my vote, and you will definitely never get my labor or campaign donations for any of your campaigns for the rest of your career unless if you come around and join us at Carbon Washington and Carbon Tax Center for climate policy which is both equitable and effective.

Progressive Platform in under 250 words

  1. Move at least half of police funding to social services
  2. Nationwide exemption free carbon tax which will increase annually
  3. Universal Basic Income
  4. Medicare for All
  5. Easier Access to Food Stamps
  6. Audit the Department of Defense
  7. Cut government waste
  8. Legalize and tax all drugs. Drug addiction should be treated as a health issue.
  9. Tax capital gains as regular income
  10. Increase the tobacco tax
  11. Universal preschool
  12. Reform mental asylums. Make them more humane

I generated the total amount of where taxes go per capita for people in Olympia, Washington today, across all government agencies:

About 19% of all government spending goes to health care, adding up to $6424 per person. This is about 9.5% of the GDP per capita for the average Washingtonian. This is larger than the total health care spending, public and private, for most other developed countries. This is why we need more health care reform.

Expanding access to food stamps is simply because food stamps provide one of the biggest benefits to our economy, and they make it so that almost no one in America truly starves. America has such a low hunger rate that we are not even measured by the Global Hunger Index. Food stamps are responsible for a significant portion of this, along with a high average quality of living, and food banks.


What religious freedom means

The Supreme Court made a terrible decision yesterday, ruling that employers are allowed to deny access to birth control to their employees.

This idea is that forcing an employer to pay for the birth control of their employee as part of their health insurance is forcing the business owner to violate their religious beliefs.

The first problem I have with this is very simple. If a Quaker is opposed to war they have to still pay taxes, and 1 in 8 of their tax dollars will go to military, despite it being a long held religious conviction that war is against the word of God. Quakers do not get a 12% tax reduction because of their opposition to war. This is unequal treatment under the law.

My second major problem with this is that this is not the employer deciding whether they personally will or will not get birth control. That is their body and their choice. The issue here is that as part of employment, the United States has reached a compromise that employers provide health insurance for their employees as part of employment, in lieu of a Medicare for all scheme. Birth control is a form of health care. Period. The employer doesn’t get to dock an employee’s pay because that employee decides to use their money one way or another. They have paid that employee for work and at that point the only other person who has any legal right to say how that individual spends their money is their lawfully wedded spouse if they are in a community property arrangement. If that employee decides to use their income to buy condoms or an IUD, it is none of that employer’s business, and they should have no say.

This decision is so highly unethical, that it is saying that employers have a legal right to say what employees may or may not use their income to do. As part of the contract of employment that employer is obligated to provide health insurance. That is the compromise the United States reached when we could not get enough Senators on board to back Medicare for All. Part of that compromise is that health insurance needs to be all encompassing.

This idea that the employer is paying for health insurance is also a half truth, because there is a small but very real reduction in cash wages when employers provide benefits to employees, and that employee is paying some of that cost by slightly lower cash. That’s just how such things work in microeconomics. At that point the business owner is forcing the purchases of their employee because of some religious hang up because of that amount the cash wages are necessarily being reduced by benefits, which is forcing their religion on the personal purchases of their employees. Any individual who forces their religion on another is violating the first amendment.

Fuck it, health care is a human right. Birth control is a human right.

Fuck this shit.

I’m so fucking tired of these Republicans trying to jam their religion down my throat. I am so fucking tired of these prudes telling me what I can and cannot say. I feel like we are still living in Salem, Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials with this bullshit.

I’m fucking angry.

Birth control is a human right. Comprehensive sexual education is a human right.

People deserve to understand their bodies.

People deserve to have control over their bodies.

If you have a problem with that you can suck my dick.

Analyzing America’s presidents

Timelnie of United States Presidents

  • Grey means no election.
  • Blue means the candidate won a majority of the popular vote twice
  • Red means one of the President’s terms was shorter than 4 years.
  • Green means the President either only served one term or did not win a majority of the popular vote in one of his elections.
  • Purple is Franklin Delano Roosevelt because he won the popular vote four times and died in office.

If we are to categorize the 44 men who have served as President in American history, here are some statistics.
Previous office:

  • Governor, 14
  • Senator, 11
  • Vice President, 8
  • Representative, 6
  • General, 2

We have had 20 two term Presidents.

14 Presidents have served 8 years as President.

Only FDR has served more than 2 terms.

Calvin Coolidge, LBJ, and Nixon are the only three Presidents to serve between 4 and 8 years as President.

The first 6 Presidents were not elected via popular vote in every State.
Only 7 Presidents have won the popular vote twice.

There have only been 2 times that we have had three two term presidents in a row:

  • Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe
  • Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama


Obama almost became a SCOTUS justice

It is my belief that President Obama almost became a Supreme Court justice. This is because that if Hillary Clinton had become President 3 years ago, he would have been the most obvious pick to replace a resignation during Hillary Clinton’s term. It is likely RBG would have retired by now given that she is in her late 80s, to ensure her seat would not be appointed by a Republican in case Hillary Clinton were to lose, and because of this, Barack Obama would have been the obvious candidate to replace her.

Now, it is true that a President going on the Supreme Court is an unusual circumstance, but I  think this is because having a former President who is young enough to be a long term pick is very rare.

  • So, in 2017 when Hillary Clinton would have become President, Barack Obama was 56, Bill Clinton was 71, and Jimmy Carter was 93. Obama was the only President young enough to be truly worth appointing.
  • In the reality we live in with Donald Trump became President in 2017 George W. Bush was 71, and George H.W. Bush was 93, so neither were likely picks for the Supreme Court.
  • In 2009 when Obama was elected, Bill Clinton was 63, and Jimmy Carter was 85. Carter was too old to be considered, and Clinton was 10 years older than the average SCOTUS appointment. Bill Clinton could have been appointed, but President Obama of course went with Sonia Sotomayer and Elena Kagan who are 8 and 14 years younger than him. The last SCOTUS justice who was appointed when he was over the age of 60 was Harry Blackmun in 1970. Since 1980 the average age at appointment is 52. Presidents want to appoint Justices who will last, which is why Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the oldest justice when she was appointed in the last 50 years.
  • When George W. Bush entered office in 2001, the youngest living former Republican President was his father at the age of 77.
  • When Bill Clinton was elected President in 1993, the only living former Democratic President was Jimmy Carter who was already 69.
  • No living former Republican Presidents were living and under the age of 60 either in 1981 or 1989.
  • When Jimmy Carter was elected, only Nixon and Ford were still living.
  • When Nixon was elected in 1969, there were no living former Republican Presidents.
  • When John F. Kennedy became President in 1961 the only living Democratic President was Harry S. Truman who was 77.
  • When Dwight D. Eisenhower became President in 1953, the only living former Republican President was Herbert Hoover who was 79.
  • Herbert Hoover was the only living former President through the terms of both Harry S. Truman and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
  • Calvin Coolidge was 57 when Herbert Hoover became President in 1929. William Howard Taft was on the Supreme Court.
  • In 1921 when  Warren G. Harding was elected he appointed William Howard Taft as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who was 63 years old. Taft is currently tied with Levi Woodbury as the 4th oldest Supreme Court pick in American history, behind only Charles Evan Hughes (1930-1941), Horace Harmon Lurton (1910-1914), and Lewis F. Powell Jr. (1972-1987). He was tied with Levi Woodbury (1845-1851). He was the second oldest pick at the time, and a fairly unusual choice. The only time since then where there has been a living former President young enough to be seriously considered as a SCOTUS pick was Bill Clinton in 2009.
  • There were no living former Democratic Presidents in 1913.
  • Theodore Roosevelt was the only living former President in 1909. He was 51 years old. I believe he was not picked because he had major ideological differences with William Howard Taft. This deserves an article of its own.
  • Grover Cleveland was the only living former President in 1901. He was 64. He was also a Democrat, whereas Roosevelt was a Republican.
  • Benjamin Harrison was 64 when President McKinley became President.
  • Benjamin Harrison had no living former Republican Presidents when he was elected in 1893.
  • Rutherford Hayes was alive when Grover Cleveland was elected in 1885, but he was 63.
  • Both Presidents Grant and Hayes were alive, and both were 59 years old when James Garfield became President in 1881. President Garfield was able to appoint one Justice. President Arthur was able to appoint two Justices as well, meaning that even  though these two Presidents served for only 4 years they were able to appoint a third of the Supreme Court. President Grant was going on a world tour when all three of these appointments were made, and Garfield had defeated Hayes in the primary of 1880. Party lines were not as strict as they are today, and it doesn’t take a lot of explanation to see why they would not offer a Supreme Court position to a former political rival.
  • There were no living Republican or Whig Presidents in 1869.
  • John Tyler was the only living Whig President when Abraham Lincoln entered office in 1861. He was 71 years old. The Republican Party was founded on the ashes of the Whig Party.
  • Franklin Pierce, Millard Fillmore, and Martin Van Buren were alive when James Buchanan became President in 1857. Pierce was 53, Fillmore was 57, and Van Buren was 75. James Buchanan chose to appoint Nathan Clifford instead who was 54. Buchanan opened his Presidency by recalling all of Pierce’s appointments, so Pierce was an unlikely pick. Millard Fillmore had run against Buchanan in the 1856 election as the Know Nothing candidate, so he was also an unlikely pick for the Supreme Court.
  • After Fillmore had run as a Whig in 1852 it was unlikely Pierce would select him in his one Supreme Court pick. Martin Van Buren was 71, so an unlikely choice.
  • John Tyler was the only living Whig President during the terms of both Taylor and Fillmore. Fillmore had one pick in 1851, at which point John Tyler was 61, so an unlikely choice.
  • John Quincy Adams and Martin Van Buren were the only Presidents when James K. Polk was elected in 1845. Van Buren was 63 and Adams was 78, so they were unlikely choices.
  • John Tyler had no Supreme Court appointments.
  • Andrew Jackson was 70 when Martin Van Buren was elected President.
  • Andrew Jackson was a significant break from earlier Presidents, and all of his predecessors were over 60 when he was elected President.
  • All living former Presidents were over 60 when John Quincy Adams, James Monroe, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams were elected President.

Looking now at all of American history it becomes clear that the real reason we have had only one President appointed to the Supreme Court is because it is highly unusual to have a former President of the same Party as the current President who is young enough to likely last for a significant amount of time. The only times in American history a former President has been 63 or younger, of the same party as the new President, not a former political rival of the new President, and alive are as follows:

  • Bill Clinton in 2009 at 63 would have been older than any other appointment since Nixon.
  • Calvin Coolidge in 1929 at 57.
  • William Howard Taft in 1921 was 63.
  • Ulysses S. Grant was 55 in 1877.
  • Fillmore was 57 in 1853.
  • Pierce was 53 in 1853.
  • John Tyler was 59 in 1849.

That’s the entire list.

Now just imagine… if Obama was a Supreme Court Justice he would have been able to push through many of the policies he proposed to congress which were defeated, things like:

  • Fighting voter ID laws
  • High speed rail
  • Health care access
  • and many, many more policies which were defeated in Congress

Just imagine for a minute, what that would have looked like.
Splitting 5-4, Supreme Court Grants Alabama’s Request to Restore Voting Restrictions

Conservative mindset

Might makes right. If someone isn’t doing well, then it is inherently their fault.

Social redistribution is counter to both of these ideas.

Military spending backs up the idea of might makes right.

If my actions impact someone else, that means I was more mighty, hence in the right.

Civil rights are contrary to the idea of might makes right and radical self responsibility.


This also explains why military aid to Israel and Saudi Arabia is good and economic development aid in the form of mosquito nets is bad. Giving weapons is part of expanding our might. According to conservative logic these other countries should have built economies which build those systems. They dont necessarily need to be privately funded. Case in point: bank bailouts are good, stimulus checks are bad. Bailouts of large companies increase might of the few, who can then  continue to support your campaigns, increasing your power, which follows might makes right. Widespread stimulus spread opportunity around, reducing your overall advantage, violating might makes right.

This also explains why Republicans will NEVER propose a law to protect private retirement accounts from many ways employers fuck over their employees, such as not letting you change your retirement strategy after you set up your account. Such a law would violate personal responsibility because in the Republican worldview you should have done your research and gotten a better contract in the beginning, even if you were a 22 year old first generation college graduate. They also will continue to say social security OASI is bad, but never propose a better plan because it would be the government regulating private contracts, which violates personal responsibility.

Absentee Voting and Voting Machines

  • Blue means everyone uses Absentee voting
  • Green means everyone has the option to use absentee voting
  • Yellow means you need an excuse to use absentee voting and there is a paper trail
  • Red means you need an excuse to use absentee voting and there is no paper trail

To put this in more perspective:

  • 61.4% of representatives are from the green and blue areas
  • 22% of representatives are from the red areas
  • 17% of representatives are from the yellow areas

Most Americans probably don’t understand that the majority of us already have the right to use mail in voting. We need to exercise this right and ensure that as many Americans as possible are able to vote.

Call to action: If you know progressives in Michigan, Wisconsin, or Florida, ask them if they are registered to vote absentee. If Joe Biden wins those three states Trump will not be able to be reelected. If we work hard to make sure we drive the vote count as high as possible by ensuring every eligible voter exercises their right than it will be impossible for the Republicans to win.

The current PaddyPower betting pool state by state is betting the electoral college map will look like this:

If we vote, this can happen.

Assuming that the states which do not have a paper trail vote for Trump, and the remaining states have the results of the current PaddyPower analysis, that leaves us with the following map:

Click the map to create your own at


This is why I am optimistic about this election.


75 years of peace

As of last month, Western Europe has been at peace for 75 years. I wrote a piece on my previous blog which looked at a list of wars involving France on my previous blog before I made my switch to WordPress. What this blog fails to analyze is how all of these wars are related, and I can’t find an article which really looks at the truly major wars in Europe.

To make this list, and to truly understand the history of the largest wars in European History, I am going to list only the wars which have involved England (or the UK), France, and at least one predecessor state to Germany. Any war involving these three is clearly one of the most important in the area.

  • World War II (1939-1945) 75 years
  • World War I (1914-1919) 20 years
  • Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815) 99 years
  • War of the French Revolution (1793-1802) 1 year
  • American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) 10 years
  • Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) 12 years
  • War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) 8 years
  • War of the Quadruple Alliance (1718-1720) 20 years
  • War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) 4 years
  • Nine Years’ War (1688-1697) 4 years
  • Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-1667) 30 years
  • Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648)
  • Eighty Years’ War (1566-1648) 19 years
  • Italian War (1551-1559) 7 years
  • Italian War (1542-1546) 5 years
  • War of the League of Cognac (1528-1529) 13 years
  • Italian War (1521-1526) 2 years
  • War of the League of Cambrai (1508-1516) 5 years
  • First Italian War (1494-1498) 10 years
  • Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) 45 years
  • Anglo-French War (1213-1214) 123 years

The Anglo-French War was the first war which directly involved the English, French, and at least one state of the Holy Roman Empire.

Before these wars was obviously the conquest of England by the Normans in 1066. The Vikings were raiding across all of Europe and as far as North America. This era started on 8 June 793 AD when Charlemagne was still alive. The century before Charlemagne had a series of wars where the Franks became the dominant force in modern-day France, Germany, and Benelux.

The 5th and 6th centuries were of course the era where Germanic tribes (such as the Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, etc.) were raiding across Western Europe during the fall of the Western Roman Empire after the empire was divided in 395 AD.

There were no conflicts between 395 AD and 1213 AD which involved the Germans, French, and English all at once. There were obviously many wars in this era, but they were primarily local.

Before 130 BC France was dominated by Celtic tribes known as the Gauls, and there were no empires or states as we would recognize today with a strong central state in this area.

France was the first of today’s nation states to fully form under the leadership which would rule them until the 1790s. The Middle Ages can be described with the Roman Empire holding relatively strong in modern day Greece and Turkey, the French where they are today, fighting with England who was ruled by Viking and French monarchs, Germany and most of Italy were a loose collection of city states known as the Holy Roman Empire, and until the 1200s Spain was dominated by Islam.

Through all of this time there was the idea of the restoration of the Roman Empire. France saw itself as the legal successor state to Charlemagne for fairly obvious reasons. The Holy Roman Empire also saw itself as a successor because the first Holy Roman Emperor was Charlemagne, crowned by the Pope himself on Christmas day 800. The English crown held territory on mainland Europe for most of the time from 1066 until 1837 with the Kingdom of Hanover. England continues to hold the islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Sark as a symbol of their former continental holdings to this day. With all three having in essence claims over the entire former Roman Empire this was obviously a recipe for war.

Germans have a historic practice of dividing lands among the King’s sons when the King dies. This was one of several factors which led to a significant fracturing and rapid increase in the number of states which made up the Holy Roman Empire. It wasn’t until the Napoleonic wars that the number of microstates significantly shrank to a point that it started to look like today. With so many different states fighting with each other, particularly Brandenburg, Austria, Saxony, and Bavaria near the end of the Holy Roman Empire, war was practically inevitable.

Everything changed with Napoleon. The number of microstates significantly shrunk following the exile of Napoleon in 1815. There were only several large German speaking states in what is now modern Germany, along with the largest of them all being Austria. Prussia had significantly grown to include many lands which had formerly been part of Poland-Lithuania, outside of the borders of the Holy Roman Empire. The German Confederation existed during an era of immense social upheaval, with a balance of power between the states. It ended with a dispute between the two great houses of Hohenzollern and Hapsburg fighting a war about whose right was to rule and in 1866 the short lived German Confederation was formed. Only 5 years later they united with Baden and Bavaria to form the German Empire which lasted until World War I. The monarchs of many of the former members of the Holy Roman Empire maintained their titles and some power under the German Empire until it was disbanded at the end of World War I.

This is why if you really want to define history, Europe is in a completely different political era before and after World War I. World War II was without a doubt a direct response to World War I, and after World War II the Allies were divided between capitalist and communist. Despite animosity and proxy wars around the world (Vietnam and Korea being the most notable) Europe stayed out of international conflict on the peninsula up to the present date. The European Coal and Steel Community was formed on 23 July 1952, bringing West Germany, France, Italy, and Benelux into an economic organization. The European Economic Community was formed in 1958 which brought in Spain, Greece, Ireland, and the United Kingdom over the next 20 years. This increase in trade is a real life implementation of Complex Interdependence, which is the theory that countries which trade with one another are less likely to go to war. With the economic benefits of trading with one another, the costs of going to war is greater than any potential benefit. From this, countries are more likely to seek out diplomatic solutions to disagreements, which is what we are seeing in Europe. The European Community was formed on 1 January 1993 and the European Union was formed on 1 November 1993. It has now grown to include 27 member states, and is a major power in the world.

There are many debates which can be made about the European Union. The response to the depression was the biggest test of the European Central Bank, and there are challenges which come as a consequence of all of the most developed countries in that part of the world being members. European laws impact every part of life, including massive benefits such as the free movement of people. As a government, the powers it holds are vast, and can be used for either good or evil, like any democracy in the world. In terms of its success, it has managed to keep a strong economy in the face of turmoil, with the standard cyclical depressions like almost any advanced economy in the world (looking at you Australia). But the biggest success of the European Union has to be the lack of international wars on the peninsula for the last 75 years. This is without a doubt the longest period without war in the region in recorded history.

Even in the darkness we are in now, with protesters being shot at by police as an epidemic rages across the United States and the world, we have hit an anniversary of incredible importance. The 75th anniversary of the end of World War II is a reminder in this time of darkness that evil will always lose. Things will get better, as long as we work towards justice. This progress can be permanent, and in the long run, peace and justice can indeed win. This is worth defending and commemorating and fully understanding the full importance of this great peace.