May Justice Live Forever

The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg yesterday is an event which will significantly impact the future of American politics for the rest of our history.  The Roberts Court has seen multiple 5-4 decisions which have been extremely decisive for the future of our country. The timing of this vacancy just before an election which will …

Democratic vs Republican Trifectas

Does your vote matter? Aren’t the parties the same? Does Democracy work? Let’s investigate this. I’m going to start the clock in 1933. There are a few reasons for this. The biggest reason is that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt pushed the Democratic Party towards its modern platform significantly. It would take another 62 years for …

Coronavirus Aid

It took me some time to unravel why we are losing Coronavirus aid today. This article from Marketwatch explained it very clearly in a single sentence: On Monday, Senate Republicans unveiled a new stimulus package, dubbed the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection and Schools Act, or HEALS Act, that calls for implementing supplemental weekly unemployment …

What religious freedom means

The Supreme Court made a terrible decision yesterday, ruling that employers are allowed to deny access to birth control to their employees. This idea is that forcing an employer to pay for the birth control of their employee as part of their health insurance is forcing the business owner to violate their religious beliefs. The …

Obama almost became a SCOTUS justice

It is my belief that President Obama almost became a Supreme Court justice. This is because that if Hillary Clinton had become President 3 years ago, he would have been the most obvious pick to replace a resignation during Hillary Clinton’s term. It is likely RBG would have retired by now given that she is …