Forest fires burn across the American west. Hurricanes ravage the gulf coast. Australia loses millions of animals. The coral reefs are getting bleached and dying. Fossil fuels fund regimes which harm their people. Climate change is here. Climate change is real. The clock is ticking to end climate change. We need to act now, and …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Two paths…
The ideal path which I want America to go down sees President Biden drop his crusade for bipartisanship, and instead focus on passing Democratic policies which got him elected in the first place. By following the two step plan of student loan forgiveness and restarting the agencies which would have prevented or at least slowed …
Two step way for Democrats to dominate government
Step 1: Pardon student loans, as much as the President can possibly do. The message then is simple, “If you know a single person who either has gone to college or is planning to go to college, we will ensure they are not tens of thousands of dollars in debt.” Step 2: Restart the agencies …
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The ETA puts America in danger
We are seeing a global increase in military spending. SIPRI We are seeing an increase of visa restrictions between democracies. European Union, Wikipedia Visa restrictions are a form of trade barrier, and they reduce trade. The increase of visa restrictions at the same time as military spending increases is no coincidence. Complex interdependence theory states …
Easy way to win the 2022 midterms
When people are phone banking, make certain that the average answer to the question “How much are you paying on student loans?” is “Nothing, I’m saving for my down payment on my first house.” If President Biden makes this happen, it will be easy to convince millennials to vote next year, and we will win. …
Signs of corruption
60 years ago, my grandparents grew up in working class families, with limited income in California. The schools were good in practically any neighborhood, and when they graduated from high school they were able to go to college with no college debt as young people from families with limited means. Now in many parts of …
Vaccine verification system
America needs to get more people vaccinated, and we need to make sure that our public spaces are safe. We can do both by requiring people to prove they are vaccinated when they enter a public space, and require a vaccination in order to fly or take a train. The way to do this is …
How the Republicans can win
There is a clear path for the Republicans to retake government over the last 4 years, which would be devastating to minorities, LGBT people, and women’s rights. Without too much ado, let’s get on with it. In order for the Republicans to win reelection, President Biden needs to continue to abstain from discussing the filibuster, …
A message from the New Democrats
Dear Millennials, You are going to be the last to receive vaccinations for every future pandemic. You are going to be forced to work in unsafe work environments during a pandemic. We don’t care if you become disabled or die. You are never going to get a public option for health insurance, because we are …
The 6 types of climate policies
People who have little knowledge of economics, politics, or climate science often try to lump climate policies into two buckets, “market solutions” and “non-market solutions”. This is a weird way to look at the issue in my opinion. First of all, we have to understand, what is a market? A market is where two or …