In 2018 Wendover Productions made a video on YouTube where he discussed the issue facing airlines where they are not being able to get enough pilots, so they are cancelling routes. There are a few reasons for this. The cost of training is absurdly high, the starting wages are very low, and the good routes …
Author Archives: stidmatt
How to win the 2022 Senate election
It’s quite simple… $10 million against a deeply entrenched establishment Republican with a deep war chest in a very red state or $500k each against 20 Republicans in deep blue states who are facing strong campaigns from community leaders… It’s pretty clear from this which strategy is going to win in the 2022 Senate election. …
The Most Exciting Thing in American Politics
Over the last 14 years, a movement has been growing to ensure that every President must win a majority of the popular vote in order to be elected. This is the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, and it’s really exciting. It requires half of the Electoral College to come into effect, and it is more …
Continue reading “The Most Exciting Thing in American Politics”
2024 winning strategy
I honestly believe that if Kamala Harris had stayed in the race Warren would be President elect. The reason is because most Democratic states had yet to vote, and I think Bernie’s anti-Democratic rhetoric would have ended up hurting him and seeing a split moderate vote would have encouraged more progressives to vote for the …
What to expect in the near future
The next 6 months are going to determine the next decade of American politics. The decisions of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are going to deeply impact how many voters turn out in 2022, and this will significantly impact whether the Republicans win a trifecta in 2024. I shouldn’t need to go …
2020 Senate Elections, part 1
I’ll get this off my chest… this year’s Senate elections were the biggest electoral disappointment of my life. Massive epidemic, a historic recession, and the Democrats seriously under performed up and down the ballot. The Senate election odds and polling were both favoring a Democratic win, and that fizzled out completely. Democrats were expected …
2020 Presidential election analysis
The 2020 Presidential election is finally over. Joe Biden is going to be the first New Democrat President since Bill Clinton. This post will have 4 main parts, the first will look at how Joe Biden did compared to his predecessors over the last 30 years, the second part will look at individual state results …
Why the Electoral College Exists
There are a lot of different claims about why the Electoral College exists here in the United States. The arguments from Wikipedia from supporters states: Supporters argue that it is a fundamental component of American federalism. They maintain the system elected the winner of the nationwide popular vote in over 90% of presidential elections; promotes …
2020 Elections to watch
Here are the races I am watching this year: Federal 1.1. Executive The Presidential election, because duh. If Biden wins Arizona and Florida tonight, he is all but guaranteed to win the presidency. 1.2. Senate Alabama, likely Republican pickup Arizona Colorado Georgia Iowa Maine North Carolina 1.3 House 2. State 2.1. Governors Montana, Mike Cooney …
The United States Constitution
If you go look at history in other countries, you find that in Parliamentary democracies they have failed whenever a far right government came into power. Germany in 1933 is the most famous example, but similar systems in Spain led to Franco, and the United Kingdom’s election led to Brexit, which is threatening the country’s …