Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act

This year we saw a major loss in the Washington Sate legislature when Washington Strong died in committee even under a strong Democratic Trifecta. It was the most promising bill to fight climate change ever seen in the history of Washington State. We had no filibuster in the way because we are at the state …

5 levels of fighting inequality

The regressive/conservative option: We fund our social safety net with taxes which disproportionately target the poor and give some of that money back. We eliminate income taxes. We have lower payroll tax rates for the wealthy as opposed to the middle class. Capital gains have a lower rate than other forms of income. Most of …

How to solve any computer problem for free!

Computers are fantastic machines. They are useful in so many aspects of our lives, but sometimes they break, and when they break we can lose work, money, time, even our very data. This is a major inconvenience. Fortunately, you can stop any problem on any Linux machine by simply typing the following command: sudo rm …

Comparing my Predictions to AMTRAK’s planned expansion

I have written about AMTRAK a few times, and made predictions based on where I think AMTRAK should expand based on potential demand for rail service around the United States before. So when AMTRAK announced that they want to use part of President Biden’s stimulus to expand AMTRAK I was of course excited to see …

Guillotines are not funny or clever

The year was 1815, and my great-great-great-great-great grandfather Pierre Henry landed in his new home in Prussia. He was one soldier in the French Army which was part of Napoleon’s failed Russia campaign, and he was one of thousands of soldiers who did not make it back to France. He did not die as a …

Would I leave the United States?

Over my life, especially since I came to political awareness during the Bush administration, I have often thought about whether it would be worth leaving the United States. The United States has a lot of issues, until 2014 people like me had no guarantee of health insurance, college education is very expensive in this country, …