I have a thought, if we were to find similar parties to the main caucuses in the American political spectrum, what would they be? We have 6 major parties in the United States. They are: Congressional Progressive Caucus, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders New Democrat Coalition, Joe Biden Blue Dog Coalition, Joe Manchin and Kirsten …
Author Archives: stidmatt
Another reason to end the electoral college
Fact: There is nothing stating in the US constitution that electors in the electoral college must be chosen by the people of that state. Fact: The tenth amendment clearly states powers not delegated to the federal government are delegated to the states, or the people. This clearly falls into the state rights category. With these …
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2022 Senate outlook
Yesterday Trump was acquitted for his very obvious crimes in attacking the United States Congress. The impeachment process is over, and we will never need to focus on it again. Which means there is no excuse to get business done, pass the stimulus and for congress to do everything in their power to end this …
The California formula
1 out of 3 Fortune 500 cities are headquartered in 6 metropolitan areas. New York has 65, Chicago has 33, Dallas has 22, Houston has 21,and Minneapolis and San Francisco have 18 each. We’re going to ignore Texas because of the great blackout of 2021, which is bad for business. Which leaves us with 4 …
Mississippi is Not a State
First of all, Mississippi was not a state when it was part of the Confederacy. If that was true, then it would never have needed to be readmitted into the union. The fact it was readmitted (along with all the other treasonous states) means they were not states of the United States when they joined …
Ukraine and Afghanistan
First of all, let’s analyze Trump’s treaty with the Taliban. It was never approved by congress, so it was not legally binding. It was never agreed to by the government of Afghanistan, so it was not legally binding. Trump was a Russian agent, so it should have been dismissed on ethical grounds. This means Trump’s …
Presidents of the last 90 years
As I’m going to bed having a chat with my partner about what a horrible scumbag Ronald Reagan was, I thought about a brief summary of US presidents for people who don’t know much about modern American history. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of our greatest presidents, and through the New Deal we saw the …
Why housing is expensive
From these two graphs we can determine the state of the US housing market. The number of houses being built per year is slower than it was in the 2000s. The price of housing has increased. Lower supply, increase or keep demand the same. This is why prices will rise. According to the National Association …
Several different levels of diversification… The lowest level of diversification possible is where everyone is forced to be part of the same system managed by a small group of people. Participants have no direct say how decisions are made. If it goes down, there is economic collapse. The second lowest level of diversification is where …
Privatizing Medicare is not like self managed index funds
Republicans talk about privatizing Medicare. What this means is that instead of the government running Medicare a private insurance company runs health care for seniors. They don’t want to do this of course because seniors are expensive to insure. So it will never happen. But the main thing Medicare does is it is able to …
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