How the number of wars increased so rapidly

RealLifeLore released a video yesterday on Nebula describing the intricacies of Maduro threatening to annex most of Guyana’s territory. I believe this is part of a general strategy to distract from Ukraine. First, let’s start with the catalyst for the recent increase in armed conflicts around the world, the refusal of NATO to let Ukraine …

End Vetoes in NATO and the EU

The European Union and NATO accession require unanimity to expand these international alliances. In theory, these laws exist to ensure that no country’s sovereignty is violated, which is a valid goal. In practice, however, what tends to happen is the majority of countries support the accession of a country to these alliances even when the …

Refugee camps are necessary

If Hamas survives, there will be more attacks on Jews in Israel. Anything short of supporting the complete eradication of Hamas for this reason is anti-Semitic. I believe the only way Hamas can be eliminated is to ensure there is safe passage for refugees into safe refugee camps in Israeli territory outside of Gaza. Every …

How the wars can end

When it comes to Ukraine, there are two solutions, either Ukraine wins or Russia wins. But the reality is Russia cannot win. Ukraine has military support from the West and despite having a significantly smaller population than Russia, Ukraine has successfully managed to prevent Russia from taking over their country. When NATO increases the amount …

How to stop terrorist attacks

When looking at the 9/11 attackers, a few things seem pretty obvious to me in terms of ways we actually could have prevented the 9/11 attackers. The first thing that needs to happen is they can’t have a safe haven anywhere in the world, and any countries that are safe for terrorists to host their …