Southern Oregon AMTRAK

Stages to bring AMTRAK to Ashland, Oregon Step 1: Oregon purchases the tracks owned by the Central Oregon and Pacific Railroad. Step 2: Oregon upgrades the line for 60 MPH. This increases freight capacity and makes passenger rail viable. Step 3: Start running service. Potential riders: Josephine, Jackson, and Douglas counties have 400,000 people total, …

Biden does not understand Europe at all

Could we just have a coherent presidential candidate, I mean, an Atlanticist pro-democracy liberal who supports trade, visa-free travel, and mutual protection pacts between democracies should be the bare minimum, but at this point, I would kill for a President who can just form a coherent sentence. NEITHER candidate meets that very low bar. Biden …

Supply Side vs Demand Side is Lazy

There is a popular idea in popular economics discussions that the left wing is on the demand side and for the working class, and the right wing is on the supply side and for the bourgeoisie. This could not be farther from the truth. Housing costs In the case of zoning, zoning is a supply-side …

Overview of UN resolutions regarding Ukraine and Palestine

There have been three resolutions in the UN over the last year regarding the invasion of Gaza and six regarding Ukraine over the last two years. The following countries have voted in favor of Likud at least once in the last three resolutions: Argentina Austria (x2) Croatia Czechia (x3) Fiji Guatemala (x2) Hungary (x2) Israel …

Red lines are political boogiemen This article clearly demonstrates that the red lines Russia has set have been of little to no value. But what we have found is that when NATO has not made it clear something is off limits, Russia consistently violates it. In response to us not letting Georgia and Ukraine into NATO in 2008, Georgia …

France unemployment rate France has not seen unemployment below 7% since 1981. In this world, we have a choice: you can have all of the labor protections you have so you never lose a job, or you can have high wages and low unemployment. The costs of hiring in France are extremely high because it is nearly …