2024 European Parliamentary election projection

You can find current polling results and projections at https://europeelects.eu/ep2024/, which I am using for this post. Party 2019 seats 2024 projected seats 2024 projected % Three party coalition Three party percent% LEFT 41 45 6.25% EFA 74 49 6.81% S&D 154 140 19.44% 234 32.50% RE 108 82 11.39% 271 37.64% EPP 182 181 …

Ukraine vs Gaza vs Afghanistan

In 6 months, over 30,000 civilians were killed in the Gaza war, for an annualized rate of 60,000 per year. Over 20 years, 46,000 civilians were killed in Afghanistan by all sides, for an annualized rate of 2,300 per year. Over two years, 10,000 civilians have been killed in Ukraine, for an annualized rate of …

People are moving to Florida because of taxes

And they are completely stupid. Here’s why. If we take the median income by state, the median tax rate by state, and the median rent by state, we can generate a graph of disposable income. We can then graph this and find our nice R squared of 0.11 between Cook Partisan Voting Index and disposable …

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t

There is a situation brewing in the world where there is a high probability there will be genocide. Do you intervene or not? If you intervene before the genocide starts, you will be accused of a preemptive strike. You will have the burden of proof that the genocide was going to occur. You will be …

How to format your strings in Python

Python offers several main ways to format your strings: Using + operator between elements to create a string, eg name + ” is ” + age + ” years old” Using curly braces and format like “{} is {} years old”.format(name,age) Using f strings like f”{name} is {age} years old” Using join like ” “.join(name, …

Working definitions of racism

Any definition of Anti-Semitism, one of the most ancient forms of racism in this world, must include people like bin Laden and Adolf Hitler as being anti-semitic because they were. Still, it also must necessarily exclude people like Hannah Arendt, who, as a Jewish German woman in the 1940s who wrote some of the harshest …

Big changes in Armenia

Armenia is sending a delegation to Antalya, Turkey on March 1 to participate in a diplomacy forum, and Macron went to Armenia yesterday as Armenia announced it has frozen its participation in the Collective Security Treaty Organization, a paper tiger Russia set up as an “alternative” to NATO but so far has been rather toothless. …