Paradox of Tolerance

Radical Islamists gather in Hamburg to call for caliphate

Germany is failing the Paradox of Tolerance.

While anti-Semites can freely protest in Germany, people calling for freedom in Palestine and an end to the bombardment of Gaza face the full brutality of the law.

Supporters of Putin are allowed to rally in the streets freely while peace activists are tear-gassed.

Calling for Palestine to be free and a peace agreement in Israel/Palestine is not anti-Semitic.

Muslim Interaktiv is an anti-Semitic organization that wants to reestablish a caliphate and has called for the eradication of Jews and denying the Holocaust. This is fundamentally different from calling for a solution in Palestine!

Vladimir Putin wants to reextend the borders of the Russian Empire to include former East Germany at a minimum.

There is a tremendous difference between ceasefire activists and supporters of Putin or a caliphate.

While the far-right AfD is allowed to win seats in the Bundestag and is not outright banned for being Neo-Nazis, Germany has been weak on Ukraine and unhelpful in resolving the crisis in the Middle East.

While Scholz is doing more for Ukraine than Merkel ever did, his Middle East policy has not significantly shifted. There is still a long way to go.

The whole situation is absurd.

I believe it is important for democracies to act as locations where refugees can find peace and safety.

But one of the necessary restrictions needs to be intolerance of hate speech. Supporters of terrorist organizations and mafia states need to be deported if they are aliens and heavily fined if they have only one citizenship.

Most refugees live peacefully in their new homes and do not cause problems. A ban on refugees should never be imposed. It would be immoral and violate international law. However, when anyone in a country demonstrates that they are unwilling to follow the social contract, they must be deported on a case-by-case basis. Hate speech is one of the early warning signs that is now used to catch future terrorists in the United Kingdom, as I described in an earlier post. As a result, there have been no terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom for four years. Anyone supporting Nazism or Sharia law is violating the social contract from which democracies are designed. It is a clear red flag that they will do more in the future. It cannot be tolerated.

Freedom of speech does not mean all speech is free. The paradox of tolerance comes into play. Protesters who call for a caliphate, idolize Hitler, or support monsters like Vladimir Putin are trying to get into power and demolish freedom of speech, among other rights. For this reason, allowing them to demonstrate freely violates the paradox of tolerance and the social contract.

This makes it very easy to determine which protests violate the Paradox of Tolerance. Are they advocating for a system of government that will abolish freedom of speech? That is the key difference between the movements.

Ceasefire demonstrators have never advocated for any organization that desires to abolish freedom of speech. They must be allowed to demonstrate since they do not violate the Paradox of Tolerance. Calling for all Arab Israelis and Palestinians to have equal rights is the right thing to do. It is the opposite of calling for a Holocaust.

Vladimir Putin hunts down journalists and dissenters both in Russia and in other countries. He has all but eliminated freedom of speech from Russian life. If his supporters got what they wanted, freedom of speech would be eliminated. The same goes for anyone who supports a Caliphate. Shariah Law is incompatible with freedom of speech, so anyone advocating for it violates the Paradox of Tolerance.

That’s what Karl Popper was talking about. It’s time for people to listen.

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