Foreign policy positions

Based on CFR, this is how I would answer:


We need to strengthen our ties with every country in Asia to ensure that any invasion by the People’s Republic of China of its neighbors will be a suicide mission. To ensure peace on the continent, bring back SEATO and invite India, Nepal, and Bhutan as members. Normalize relations between Pakistan and India. The Republic of China will always be a critical ally of the United States. We need to include South Korea and Japan in SEATO and help mend ties between those countries, as they are both critical allies of ours.


Iran supports numerous terrorist groups around the Middle East, and their government seeks to undermine democracies. The only thing keeping them in check is their abysmal economy. We need to build a world where there are fewer ways Iran can exploit tensions to support terrorist groups like Hezbollah. We need a free and prosperous Lebanon to bring stability to the region.

North Korea

North Korea is a significant threat to the world. Their barbaric regime is supported by both Russia and China. I support Korean unification under the Republic of Korea.


Ukraine should have been invited to NATO along with Georgia in 2008. It was a major strategic blunder not to invite them. The consequences are that they have both now been invaded, and hundreds of thousands of people have died in this pointless war. I believe Ukraine can win and will win this war as long as we provide them with the weapons and allow them to use them strategically. I trust our Ukrainian allies more than our own advisors on this issue since they are on the ground and we are not, meaning they naturally have more information than we do.

If Russia turns Ukraine into a vassal state again, there will be genocide, just like there was in the 1930s. Russia will then turn its sights towards Georgia, and the perception of NATO as a weak and ineffectual institution will weaken every democracy in the world, including ours. America is not safe until Ukraine is free and controls all of its territory. I support NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia; the only thing that will provide peace and security to the region. Ukraine and Georgia are democracies and our allies, and we have not treated them as such. This changes with me.


Abandoning Afghanistan to the terrorists was risky, dangerous, and stupid. Reducing America’s power projection has made the world significantly more dangerous. I believe it is only a matter of time before the terrorists from the Taliban and allied groups attack India. India is the world’s largest democracy. I will work to make India a vital ally of the United States and provide whatever advice is necessary to help India root out corruption and develop their economy. This is the only way to counter populism. A free Afghanistan and a prosperous India are paramount to American national security and power projection.

Saudi Arabia

Most of the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia. There are numerous reports from respected newspapers and non-profits of Saudi citizens funding terrorism and the government turns a blind eye. They are engaged in a pointless proxy war in Yemen. I do not believe Saudi Arabia is an ally of the United States. I will look into evidence regarding Saudi Arabia and pressure them to crack down on money laundering if any is found. I believe in a rules-based order; our allies must follow the law.

Israel-Palestinian conflict

Israel is a democracy, but Palestinians have been denied access to those institutions. The war must end, and we need a Marshall Plan to rebuild the Gaza Strip. Israel needs to abandon its settlements in the West Bank or lose military support from the United States. Terrorists advertise Israeli actions in Palestine as they are their most successful recruiting tactic and cause pointless pain for Palestinians. I do not believe in forcibly sending people to other countries. The only people who need to move are people who are illegally occupying settlements in the West Bank. Hamas must be defeated, and the Gaza Strip needs to be returned to the Palestinian Authority. Once this war is over, military aid must be conditional on abandoning settlements.

Support for Hamas has exploded over the last year as Israel has carpet-bombed the Gaza Strip. This is dangerous for Israel and the United States. My utmost priority as President is to protect American lives, and the war in Gaza is strengthening terrorism, putting Americans in danger. We need a different path to reconcile Palestinians and Israelis as soon as possible, and this is a strategic priority that could take a decade but is worth it. I will not tolerate actions that strengthen terrorism. There needs to be a ceasefire.

I am deeply concerned with how Israeli banks are being used by Russian oligarchs to bypass sanctions regarding the Ukraine War. This must end.


Maduro has led Venezuela down the path of poverty and authoritarianism, just as in Nicaragua. I do not support military intervention in Venezuela. Gonzalez is the legitimate president of Venezuela according to every available metric. Gonzalez was polling almost 70% before the election, and then the government announced Maduro was the winner and didn’t allow foreign observers into the country. The election this year was a sham. The people of Venezuela need to remove Maduro and put Gonzalez in place. America supports a free and prosperous Venezuela.

Regarding the rest of Latin America, the Rio Pact is one of our two most important treaties, which has allowed Latin America to become one of the most democratic regions of the world over the last 30 years. We will continue to stand by our allies, increase trade, and protect them from foreign threats. As Latin America continues to develop, America will stand with them. As President, I support the decriminalization of drugs to reduce the flow of money to drug cartels, which harms both our allies and the United States.


Africa is so diverse. Numerous countries are rapidly turning into major democracies in Africa. The United States needs to increase trade and start defense pacts with countries in Africa to help them move down the path to democracy. We need to clarify that there are two choices: You can be authoritarian, poor, and alone, but if you democratize, you can join us as voluntary partners with economic and defense benefits.


Trade is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal to bring countries together. We must form a free trade agreement with the European Union, our most important allies. We must end travel visas with our partners, a form of tariff. Tariffs must be used sparingly and kept in our back pocket, with free trade and travel as the default. That default will only be changed if a country is corrupt, sponsoring terrorism, or invading its neighbors. I will expand trade and eliminate all travel visas with our allies. Barriers between friends strengthen populists who offer false solutions. I provide honest answers.


I support an exemption-free carbon tax. I want to end all direct subsidies for fossil fuels.

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