The problem with technology visas is first of all countries don’t need this to record entries and exits. It’s the principle of the thing. If tourists were regularly traveling visa free to the US and committing terrorist attacks I would support ESTA. The problem is that has never been a thing. None of the 9/11 attackers were eligible for visa free entry, they all had tourist visas.
This trend gobbles up public resources while we ignore the problems which actually cause terrorism, particularly money laundering. Instead implementing these populist policies which target the wrong people.
Thanks Bush for making the world a more dangerous place!
This would make it seem that Canada is the proper country to source terrorists from. But there are as many Canadian tourists causing terrorist attacks in the last decade as there were citizens from all NATO countries in the 50 years prior to the implementation of ESTA.
None. Thats right. None. Not a single terrorist attack by a single citizen of any ESTA country against any other country in the world since 1949.
It’s just right wing populism.
And on that note, when we actually did take out bin Laden remember how we carpet bombed Abottabad? How we captured him via Real ID?
Nope. We didn’t even use a drone strike. All we needed to do to capture the most wanted terrorist in the world was standard military intelligence and sending in a strike team.
No drones, nukes, or carpet bombing necessary.
So when it comes to the carpet bombing of Gaza and increasing visa policies between democracies around the world, remember this is all just right wing populism and needs to be opposed.
Building walls and reducing communication only increases radicalization at home and abroad. This fuels violence.
The safest countries in the world are generally the most free.
We do not have to choose between freedom and security.
The choice is to have freedom and security or neither.