Trends in economic data

I gathered some data on US states. This is not longitudinal yet, but I still think it has some interesting trends. To start, states which vote more democratically have the following trends: more bachelor’s degrees higher incomes both before and after taxes live longer more people have health insurance. Fewer people smoke tobacco. The one …

How to crash your society, or not

Here are policies that are most likely to destroy your country: Nationalized agriculture will quickly cure overpopulation. Concentrate your economy in the hands of a handful of mega-corporations. The rich and powerful get significant benefits paid for by the working class. Increase the cost of housing. If a condo is less than 20 times the …

Ukraine is not Israel

It’s 1938 Czechoslovakia. Here’s why. UN status Russia and Ukraine are both UN member states. Israel is a UN member state, but Palestine is not. Civilian deaths Over 30,000 civilians have been killed in the ongoing war in Gaza, almost all by Israel. Around 10,000 civilians have been killed in Ukraine, basically only by Russia. …

A plan for rail to Ashland, Oregon

This is an interesting conversation I had with a friend over text. Published here with permission because we think it will be of interest to people who live in or travel to Southwest Oregon. “Ashland, Oregon to Montague, California not being operated due to pricing actions. There is a general concern among some shippers that …

Southern Oregon AMTRAK

Stages to bring AMTRAK to Ashland, Oregon Step 1: Oregon purchases the tracks owned by the Central Oregon and Pacific Railroad. Step 2: Oregon upgrades the line for 60 MPH. This increases freight capacity and makes passenger rail viable. Step 3: Start running service. Potential riders: Josephine, Jackson, and Douglas counties have 400,000 people total, …

Biden does not understand Europe at all

Could we just have a coherent presidential candidate, I mean, an Atlanticist pro-democracy liberal who supports trade, visa-free travel, and mutual protection pacts between democracies should be the bare minimum, but at this point, I would kill for a President who can just form a coherent sentence. NEITHER candidate meets that very low bar. Biden …

Supply Side vs Demand Side is Lazy

There is a popular idea in popular economics discussions that the left wing is on the demand side and for the working class, and the right wing is on the supply side and for the bourgeoisie. This could not be farther from the truth. Housing costs In the case of zoning, zoning is a supply-side …