Worst Speaker in history

Mike Johnson may have to choose between Ukraine aid and his job
from The Economist

Mike Johnson, the creepy dude from the bayous of Louisiana who shares with his underage son when he watches porn, is a radical evangelical who uses his faith in hatred as a bludgeon against people who wouldn’t even know his name if he was not one of the most powerful people in the world.

He is also one of the most dangerous people in the world. He supports Israel’s actions in Gaza while supporting Putin. He is a threat to the security of the United States who is blocking aid to Ukraine today. He is putting us all in danger, not just Americans, but everybody in the world.

This is the man who the Republicans have backed as their leader along with Donald Trump, a convicted felon who has committed fraud at a grand scale, rapes women, and actively told his supporters during a global pandemic to ignore the advice of experts.

These are the people who the Republican Party get behind. This is the option we are given. Biden is far from perfect, and his foreign policy is bad, but the foreign policy of the Republican Party is all of the worst of the Biden administration on steroids. Given the choice, Biden is obviously the highly flawed but better option in this dilemma.

Vote progressive in the primaries and get as many democrats into office as possible.

Republicans are a threat to human rights and national and international security.

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