The ISIS attack on Moscow


There are several major players in this convoluted mess, and each of them has a complex relationship with the other:

    • ISIS
    • Hamas
    • Palestinian Authority
    • Russia
    • Israel
    • Ukraine
    • United States
    • the rest of NATO


ISIS Russia Israel Ukraine United States NATO Hamas Palestinian Authority Syria (Assad)
ISIS hostile hostile hostile hostile hostile complicated At war
Russia friendly enemy hostile hostile complicated Allies
Israel tense extensive aid to Israel cooperation sometimes support,
sometimes war
Hostile Hostile, Israel and Syria both claim Golan Heights
Ukraine some military support candidate Hostile
United States hostile no recognition Hostile
NATO hostile no recognition Hostile
Hamas hostile Hostile
Palestinian Authority Hostile

ISIS doesn’t have any state allies, and they have complex relations with Hamas. While both Hamas and ISIS are Sunni, ISIS is Salafi, and Hamas is nationalist. Hamas is not a major threat globally, ISIS and al Qaeda are.

But where ISIS and Hamas agree is hostility towards the Israeli state. This is where ISIS’ latest attack on Russia is very revealing. Why is ISIS attacking Russia and not a NATO member or candidate?

First of all, we must establish how ISIS does not attack countries randomly. They are methodical. If they wanted to attack countries randomly, they would reliably attack least developed countries outside the Arab world with marginally functional governments, but they don’t.

The ISIS attack on Russia is simply because Russia continues to prop up the Syrian regime. It has little to nothing to do with Ukraine or with the war Israel is waging with Hamas.

That’s all there is to this. Sometimes it really is just that simple.


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