The Supreme Court made a terrible decision yesterday, ruling that employers are allowed to deny access to birth control to their employees. This idea is that forcing an employer to pay for the birth control of their employee as part of their health insurance is forcing the business owner to violate their religious beliefs. The …
Monthly Archives: July 2020
Analyzing America’s presidents
Grey means no election. Blue means the candidate won a majority of the popular vote twice Red means one of the President’s terms was shorter than 4 years. Green means the President either only served one term or did not win a majority of the popular vote in one of his elections. Purple is Franklin …
Obama almost became a SCOTUS justice
It is my belief that President Obama almost became a Supreme Court justice. This is because that if Hillary Clinton had become President 3 years ago, he would have been the most obvious pick to replace a resignation during Hillary Clinton’s term. It is likely RBG would have retired by now given that she is …
Conservative mindset
Might makes right. If someone isn’t doing well, then it is inherently their fault. Social redistribution is counter to both of these ideas. Military spending backs up the idea of might makes right. If my actions impact someone else, that means I was more mighty, hence in the right. Civil rights are contrary to the …