Cut American emission in half
Overview: EIA
Overview of sources: EIA
Where we need to do the most work:
50% of Northeast Ohio’s emissions come from electricity production. Geothermal plants could reduce this significantly.
Wyoming has the most emissions per capita. 57% of their energy is for housing. Geothermal heating could significantly reduce emissions in Wyoming. 22% of their energy is used for transportation. 91% of electricity in Wyoming is from coal. Wyoming needs immediate investment in geothermal power plants, geothermal heating, and solar power.
Institute for Energy ResearchList of US states by carbon dioxide emissions
The best way to reduce North Dakota’s carbon footprint is by reducing America’s demand for oil. North Dakota has the second largest footprint on a per capita basis. Coal is the largest source of electricity. 28.7 MMT from coal, 16.1 MMT from industry.
West Virginia is the 4th worst state per capita. West Virginia needs to move its workers from coal to renewable power as soon as possible. Almost 100% of their electricity is from coal. 68.7 MMT from electricity, 10 MMT from Industry.
Alaska is the 5th worst state per capita. Natural gas is the number one source of carbon emissions. (EIA) Heavy subsidies for geothermal heating will significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Natural gas and oil account for 100% of Alaska’s net carbon emissions. Moving off of oil for transportation and geothermal heating for houses will be enough. Alaska can easily do this by a carbon tax and using that money for no-interest loans for geothermal heating and power, and other renewable energy sources. This will cut over 20 MMT Co2 annually. GHG Inventory Report 2015 for Alaska
Louisiana is the 6th worst state per capita (44.5 metric tons) or 207 million metric tons in total. Most of their electricity is from natural gas. Industry produces over half their carbon emissions (40 million metric tons), from oil and natural gas production. Louisiana needs an immediate increase in solar power statewide to reduce their carbon footprint.
Texas is the number one state for carbon emissions, at 709 million metric tons or 26 metric tons per capita. Natural gas is it number one source of fuel and the number one source for electricity. We can cut this by implementing more efficient air to with 35% of the total or 226 MMT CO2. Texas needs immediate large scale investment in solar and geothermal.
Florida is the 6th worst state in total carbon emissions. 50% of their emissions are from electricity production. Natural gas is the leader in carbon emissions, followed by coal. Eliminating these would cut 104 MMT of CO2
Easiest projects to complete:
- Make Alaska Carbon Neutral. 20 MMT
- Eliminate 100% of Washington State’s electricity emissions. They are from the Trans-Alta Plant in Centralia. 11.7 MMT
Long-scale urgent projects
- Boost renewable electricity production in Texas to replace current fossil fuel technologies. 226
- Boost renewable electricity production in Louisiana and reduce production of oil and natural gas. 40 from electricity, 105 from industry.
- End coal production in West Virginia. 70
- End coal power plants in North Dakota. 28.7
- End coal power plants in Pennsylvania. 105.9
- End coal power plants in Ohio. 101.9
- End coal and natural gas in Florida. 104 MMT
- End coal power plants in Indiana. 98 MMT
- Implement a nationwide electric car network and replace all internal combustion engines with renewable energy. Ban the sale of fossil fuels by 2030. 1740 MMT from Transportation can be reduced this way. I recommend transitioning to this using a carbon tax as soon as possible.
We can do all of this in the next 15 years.
This will reduce 2619.5 MMT of Carbon dioxide or over 50% of America’s total carbon emissions.
We need to do this
Help reduce emissions in other countries.
There are a few policies the United States can do to pressure other countries to reduce global warming, such as:
- Ban the export of all coal and oil products from the United States.
- Export renewable energy technologies with no tariffs.
- Significantly invest in renewable energy research