It was negotiating with Ho Chi Minh to prolong the war in Vietnam in 1968.
It was keeping Americans hostage in Iran in 1980.
It was ending work visas for farm workers.
It was implementing visas for EU citizens to travel to the United States.
They allowed money laundering from the Gulf States to flow freely.
They allowed Russian oligarchs to set up bank accounts in London and Tel Aviv without scrutiny.
It was Brexit.
It was the support for qualified immunity.
It was abandoning Afghanistan without congressional approval.
It was the lack of solidarity with Ukraine.
It was bombing civilians in Gaza as Hamas leadership was safe in Qatar.
It was prolonging the bombing of Gaza until inauguration day.
It was giving US visa-lite access to Qatar before Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Romania.
Don’t be surprised they have now banned the word liberal on Instagram.
All of these are signs of looming fascism.
We need strong progressive leadership to stand up to all of these policies that have brought Trump to power.
We need to offer a real alternative.
Vote progressive.