Prime Minister Starmer

Congratulations, Britain, on defeating the Tories. They are genuinely the worst party of the bunch.

Now you can have Labour, a party whose leader:

  • Supports Brexit, despite 65% of Labour voters voting to Remain back in 2015.
  • Opposes proportional representation
  • Supports the Israeli military’s operations in Gaza
  • He equivocates criticism of policies of Netanyahu as support of the Holocaust.
  • He does not support trans rights. Blair did.
  • He supports tough-on-crime approaches; don’t be surprised when they increase police budgets.
  • He wants to continue to clamp down on immigration, one of the main reasons Britain’s economy cannot recover from the COVID recession.
  • He praises Margaret Thatcher.

While Starmer differs from the Tories in terms of public services on many important issues, he is no different from Sunak. Clearly, we are entering a new period of history for the Labour Party, distinct from New Labour, which was significantly to the left of Starmer’s time in office.

Let’s hope and pray that enough Labour MPs are not aligned with Keir Starmer’s center-right positions and will force him to negotiate with the Liberal Democrats on issues, particularly Brexit, which will solve most of Starmer’s right-wing positions.

Modern Labour has not been center-left since the 1970s. Britain will soon wake up and realize that it have traded a far-right party for a center-right party. The party of Clement Attlee has been dead for at least a decade. Labour is as much the party of Clement Attlee as the Republicans are the party of Abraham Lincoln.

If Britain did not already have universal health care, it is clear to me that Starmer would not support it, no matter how much money and how many lives it would save.

That is my analysis of this election.

But moving from far right to center right is a cause of celebration.

The fact that Labour had Russophile Comrade Corbyn followed by center-right anti-trans Starmer only further demonstrates why I believe presidential democracies are inherently better than parliamentary democracies. Starmer would never have won if Britain had a competitive ranked-voting presidential election.

Neither Starmer nor Sunak deserved to win. Both of them are terrible candidates.

Starmer is more conservative than Joe Biden in terms of social rights and immigration issues.

Let’s hope the average Labour MP’s positions are closer to the center-left Liberal Democrats than the far-right Tories. We should know within a month or two.

This is a lesser-of-two-evils situation. Neither Starmer nor Sunak is fit to be a parliamentarian, let alone a prime minister. Ed Davey would have been a far better PM than who they got, but of the two terrible choices, Starmer is the lesser evil.

I voted for Elizabeth Warren, and if I had a ranked ballot from the last Presidential election and Starmer was running, I would have voted 1. Warren, 2. Sanders, 3. Biden, 4. Starmer.

Congratulations, Britain, on moving back to the center-right.

One way this issue could be resolved is for more centrist Labour MPs to jump ship and join the Liberal Democrats over Starmer’s positions on Brexit, immigration, and trans rights. Another way it could be resolved is for Labour to amend their Party Constitution at the next general conference so they can remove their leader, like any other party in the United Kingdom.

However it happens, I do not believe Keir Starmer will be able to keep enough MPs in line to be Prime Minister for a full five years.

Given how Tories lost a lot of votes to Reform this year, Tories might be more willing to discuss implementing ranked-choice voting. Maybe enough center-left Labour MPs will join Liberal Democrats, Tories, and Reform to finally make this a reality in the United Kingdom. Who knows? There are a lot of unknowns right now.

Hopefully, with the Tories destroyed, this will lead to most Labour voters moving to the Liberal Democrats in the next election. Liberal Democrats need to stick to their guns. Their policies are correct. I hope the Liberal Democrats will win in 2029 so the UK can rejoin the European Union and implement proportional representation.

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