It is long past time to fire Jake Sullivan.
He should have lost his job after the fall of Kabul. He assured the American government and people that the Afghan government would be able to withstand the Saudi pressure, and he was completely wrong. I have been fired for far less. He should have lost his job for his massive misunderstanding of the situation and inability to find reliable information.
He utterly failed to collect and direct American surveillance and security to predict the October 6th attack. We now know that the Israeli security system knew an attack was coming, I am sure the United States knew as well. Jake Sullivan kills Jews to create profits for the Military industrial complex along with Likud. He should be fired.
He continuously, incorrectly, declares that if we pressure Russia more that there will be nuclear war. He believes all of their threats, regardless of evidence or reason. At least a broken clock is right twice a day. He doesn’t even have that going for him.
Jake Sullivan has made a world where tyrants can invade with impunity.
Where terrorists are training in Afghanistan today.
Where IDF kills children with no repercussions.
Where we believe in incredible threats, but evidence of mounting terrorist attacks is routinely ignored.
He claims Ukraine needs to wait another year to take back their country.
Fire Jake Sullivan. He makes the world a more dangerous place.
Also fire Antony Blinken. He consistently makes the wrong decisions on Ukraine by withholding aid. He is a Zionist. His maneuvering around Afghanistan had made the world a more dangerous place.
For our highest offices regarding foreign relations, we need people who are actually experts, who have expertise in the regions of the world where there are significant problems.
There was a random attack against a consulate in Libya, and Hillary Clinton had to sit through months of testimony for something that was not her fault.
Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan have supported Netanyahu, been hesitant to support Ukraine, and threw Afghanistan to the terrorists, so where are the months of testimony for far more serious crimes?
The entire upper leadership of American foreign policy is leading us straight into World War III. Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken should have been fired two years ago.
They are clearly incompetent and need to be fired.