Military aid to Ukraine has passed the House, and now just has to be approved by the Senate and signed into law by Biden today, and the Russians are already scaling down and withdrawing their troops because they know what is coming.
Because of US aid:
- Fewer civilians are being killed.
- Fewer civilians are being raped.
- Fewer children are being kidnapped.
And it hasn’t even been passed by the Senate yet, though that seems certain now.
World War III is becoming less likely by the minute.
This is despite Sabre rattling by Russian outlets both in Russia along with propaganda machines like RT and Faux News that increasing military aid to Ukraine and sending Ukraine fighter jets would risk nuclear war.
But everyone with a basic understanding of game theory has always known this is not true because that is not how the game is played. I detailed that way back in February 2022, since I actually am a qualified political economist and I have studied game theory.
The game theory which I walked through in February 2022, and again, I did not draw out the tree, is still true for every military action the United States makes, and this action by Russia proves that weakness from NATO will be responded by hostility from Russia.
But international relations scholars like myself have known this for years.