- The northern tip of Brazil is closer to every country in the Americas than the southernmost point of Brazil.
- The eastern tip of Brazil is closer to Portugal than the Pacific Ocean. Brazil is HUGE.
- Key West is closer to every other country in the Americas than it is to Nuvuk (Point Barrow), Alaska.
- Attu Island is closer to the Shetland Islands, the northern tip of Australia, and all of Norway, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Laos, Cambodia, China, Thailand, and Samoa than it is to Washington, DC.
- The Northern tip of Africa is closer to Nordkapp (northern most point of Norway, excluding Svalbard and Jan Mayen) than it is to Addis Ababa. Africa is HUGE.
- The Northernmost point of India (as claimed by India) is closer to Russia than the southernmost point of India.
- The Westernmost point of India is closer to Africa than the Easternmost point of India.
- The Westernmoset point of Kazakhstan is closer to France than Mongolia.
- New York City is closer to Venezuela than Nevada.
- Stewart, Alaska is closer to Chicago than Attu Island.
- Venezuela is closer to the US than it is to Mexico.
- Iceland is closer to Australia than Antarctica.
- The Earth has a radius of about 40,000 km. France, the United Kingdom, Norway, and the United States have territories more than 10,000 km from their capital, meaning those territories are closer to their capital’s antipode than their capital.
- American Samoa is closer to Washington, DC than Guam.
- The furthest point from the westernmost point of Russia in undisputed Russian territory is 7667 kilometers away, in Kamchatka.
- Berlin is closer to China than the United States.
- The Westernmost point of Africa is closer to the Philippines than Dakar, Senegal.
- The Southernmost point of Africa is closer to all of Antarctica and the Southern tip of continental Greece than the Northernmost point of Africa.
- Panama City, Panama is closer to Antarctica than Nuvuk, Alaska.