Read the text here:
Every system that determines citizenship is based on a chain of trust. Once a citizen has proven they are a citizen once to get a document, that document should be proof of citizenship. However, the law is no longer written to recognize this.
For starters, it is already a felony for people to register to vote. If you look at the registration form for basically every state, the voter registration form requires proof of citizenship already. This is usually provided by a driver’s license or a social security number.
A driver’s license usually includes a mark in the database on whether someone is a citizen. When applying for a driver’s license they determine if you are a citizen at that step. This allows the state government to know then if you are eligible to vote, and if you are you can then register right then and there because of the Motor Voter Act.
Non-citizens who get driver’s licenses cannot register to vote already.
So this brings up the question, if someone has already established they are a citizen once, and they keep that document, why require people to keep proving they are citizens with extra documentation again and again and again? They already have a document that proves they are a citizen! Let them use the proof of citizenship they have!
The Republican Party already made this more difficult with the Real ID Act. The main issue with the Real ID Act is it requires two proof of residency to get your document. Notice how this doesn’t do anything to enhance the citizenship status of someone’s document, that was never in question. It is designed to just make it more difficult to get the documents we need in order to get business done.
That is the entire point of the SAVE ACT. Non-citizen voting is a non-issue and already a felony. It doesn’t require more legislation, our laws on this are decent as is. The Real ID Act does nothing to fix this either, because it did not need to be fixed. The National Voter Registration Form is a simple document, with your name and address, and after the form it includes a list of the requirements to register to vote for every state. Every state requires some form of identification, usually a driver’s license or Social Security Number. Every state gives people the ability to prove their citizenship when they get their driver’s license, at which point you also are able to register to vote. Some states even let you pre-register if you get your driver’s license before your 18th birthday which is great because it reduces paperwork and ensures that 18 year olds have one less thing to worry about on top of finishing high school, applying to college, part-time jobs, and social life. There is no reason for 16 year olds getting their license to not be able to prove they are a citizen then and be able to vote automatically once they turn 18. It’s just common sense. It works fine and there is no reason to make it harder.
The Republican Party has been trying to make it harder to vote for over 20 years now. This needs to end. If someone is a citizen, they need to be able to vote. Registration makes sense since it is so easy, but once you are in the system as a citizen, you need to not have extra regulatory hurdles which serve no useful purpose.
The most absurd thing which somehow still counts is that in Texas you can vote with a handgun license, but not with a college ID.
Compare this to Illinois where a student ID is acceptable, but they don’t count gun licenses.
While a passport or a driver’s license is always valid to prove who you are, the other requirements vary state by state. So its still easiest to just get a passport card for $30, and that lasts for a decade. There is no good reason not to have one. Or just do mail-in voting which every state allows, and signature verification works very well. Regardless, there are many other valid reasons to have multiple forms of valid ID and scan them into a secure digital location, in case one gets lost or stolen.
But ultimately the rules we have work fine, non-citizen voting is exceedingly rare, and are written by populist who don’t understand the issue.
The SAVE Act should not be passed. It doesn’t solve any problem and just adds an additional step for people who register via a voter registration form. It will essentially shut down voter registration at college campuses by forcing students to still have to go to an office to register to vote. This is an unnecessary bureaucratic hurdle. The student submitted their proof of citizenship when they got their drivers license. There is no reason to add an additional hurdle, they have already proven their citizenship.